David Haines, Joyce Hinterding, Telepathy, 2008. Custom anechoic acoustic tiles, 16 mm plasterboard, acoustic blanket, plywood, timber frame. Photographer: Michael Myers, courtesy the Artists.

David Haines & Joyce Hinterding: Telepathy

Haines and Hinterding’s collaborative works invite viewers to contemplate how material and immaterial realms coincide. Telepathy is an anechoic chamber offering solitude and contemplation, where the body simultaneously functions as a primary oscillator and sensor. The windowless, wedge-shaped structure blocks out external sound and light waves via the hundreds of acoustic foam pyramids that line its interior. Inside the chamber, participants’ vibrations are converted into heat, enabling them to focus on their own bodily experiences.

David Haines and Joyce Hinterding

Hailing from the Blue Mountains of Australia, on Darug and Gundungurra country, David Haines and Joyce Hinterding are individually and together renowned for innovative explorations at the intersection of art, science, and technology. Hinterding’s work explores the natural world’s unseen forces; tapping into electromagnetic phenomena and frequencies, she engages with the invisible energies surrounding us to create sensory experiences. Haines engages photography, sculpture, video, and the olfactory as means to explore how hallucinatory states intersect with the physical environment. The duo has carved a distinctive niche in the art world by challenging conventional notions of perception and reality.
