Malena Szlam, stills from ALTIPLANO, 2018, 35 mm, colour, sound, 15:30 min. Courtesy Malena Szlam.

Malena Szlam: Altiplano

Altiplano was shot in the Andean Mountains on the traditional lands of the Atacameño, Aymara, and Calchaquí-Diaguita in Northern Chile and Northwest Argentina. The work imagines how geographic dynamism, the result of volcanos, tectonic plate movements, and other formative ruptures, has shaped our reality. Altiplano speaks to vibration as a temporal force and a timeless element.

Malena Szlam

The vibrations of the earth and their residual materiality have been a topic of research and fascination for Chilean-born, Canada-based artist and filmmaker Malena Szlam. Her work explores the echoing aftermath of tectonic shifts by focusing on the variegated forms, textures, and materials of the landscape. She brings an intensity to her observations, often by layering perspective and proportions within a single frame, and as such, her artistic process is an evolving mediation on and through space and the environments she encounters. Szlam’s artistic process is an evolving meditation on and through the spaces and environments she encounters.
